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What Are Styles in Best Fiends?

What Are Styles in Best Fiends? 1

There Are Outfits?

In this short answer post, I am going to explain what styles are in Best Fiends.

What Are Styles?

Styles are different outfits fiends can wear. The styles change the appearance of the fiends during levels. Some styles also change the sounds the fiends make when they use their abilities. You can use any fiend style once it has been unlocked.

What Are Styles in Best Fiends? 2
Screenshot of the Best Fiends Android game.

On the fiend information screen, tap/click on a fiend. Then select the hat icon. Then you can see all styles you have for that fiend and styles you have not unlocked yet. Not all fiends have styles. Newer fiends usually will not have a style. Some fiends have more styles than others.

A picture of all the styles Gene can use. There are five styles.
Screenshot of the Best Fiends Android game.

What Benefits Are There for Styles?

Once a style is unlocked, the fiend gets a permanent boost to attack power. The boost stays even if you use a different style than unlocked.

Most fiends get 50 attack from a style. But unique and epic fiends get 100 attack from the styles they can get. This bonus adds up for every style you have for that fiend. So you have multiple bonus attack modifiers. For example, I have two styles for Whisper. So I get 100+ attack.

My whisper does 100 extra damage becasue of two styles.
Screenshot of the Best Fiends Android game.

How Do You Get Styles?

Play Special Events

The main way to get styles is to play special events. The game almost always has a special event running. If you play the game frequently and complete all the quests, often, this gets you a style.

Check the current events to see what they reward.

I am on task 21 out of 30 for the Wonderland special event.
Screenshot of the Best Fiends Android game.

Buy Styles With Gold Bars

You can buy styles with gold bars. Spending gold bars is the main way to get styles that you can’t currently get with special events. You can’t buy all styles with gold bars, though.

The Jest Gene style costs 100 gold bars.
Screenshot of the Best Fiends Android game.

Buy Styles With Money

You have to buy some styles with money. The only fiends that require money to get styles for are epic fiends. There is no other way to get these styles if you won’t spend money.

The dragon skin for Karma costs $15 (USD).
Screenshot of the Best Fiends Android game.

Complete Fiend Quests

Once you beat a lot of levels in the game, you get access to fiend quests.

After you complete all the levels in a fiend quest, this unlocks a special style. There is no other way to get these styles. You have to beat the levels.

I got the Whisper of Swords style from beating Whisper's quest.
Screenshot of the Best Fiends Android game.

Other Ways to Get Fiend Styles

There are a few other ways to get styles as well. If you get a lot of achievements, there are three special styles you can get from there.

You unlock the Intrepid Eleanor style when you complete 30 achivements.
Screenshot of the Best Fiends Android game.

If you play earthworm challenges and get enough stars, you will unlock the earthworms and their styles.

Once you get to 120 stars you unlock the solider Dot style.
Screenshot of the Best Fiends Android game.

Are Styles Useful?

Styles are very useful!

You can improve your fiends damage by leveling them up. But eventually, you will get to the highest level possible. Styles allow you to get even more damage from fiends even while max level.

Some fiends have five or six styles. That is an extra 250 or 300 points of damage. With that much more damage, some fiends might become useful in some situations.

Getting styles unlocks achievements that reward you. Styles are hard to get. So you should try not to pass up a chance to unlock them.