Table of Contents
Learn About the Best Fiends Characters
There are many characters in Best Fiends. In this guide, I will teach you how to unlock every character in the game.
How to Unlock the Standard Characters
The standard characters are required to beat the normal levels.
You will unlock these characters as you play the game. Making progress in the game is how you will unlock most characters.
Most of the fiends you unlock will be from using keys to open crates. You can check and see at what level you will unlock your next fiend. It is not random.
If an event has a fiend as a reward, it will tell you.
You can sometimes unlock new fiends earlier than normal by completing these events.
How to Unlock the Unique Fiends
Unique Fiends fiends are a special type of fiend. At the time of this blog post the current unique fiends are the earthworms.
You unlock the Earthworms by beating the challenges they appear in. You need to earn certain amounts of stars.
You also unlock the costumes for these fiends when you get stars.
Unlocking these fiends is very time-consuming. But the earthworms are very helpful as their special ability damages slugs with percentage damage. This kind of damage is very helpful on certain levels.
You can also buy them by spending gold. But since you can get nice rewards when playing their levels and unlocking them, I don’t recommend doing this. Not until you beat most levels at four stars, anyway.
How to Unlock Epic Fiends
What Are Epic Fiends?
Epic Fiends are the best characters in the game. The special abilities they have are game-changing. These fiends seem a bit overpowered when compared to the other fiends.
While I would not say epic fiends are required to beat levels, they make things much easier. Even unlocking just one epic fiend can be a big change.
I unlocked the Epic fiend Karma. Certain levels are quite easier with this fiend, and it made a huge difference.
You Need to Spend Money to Unlock Epic Fiends
You need to spend money to unlock epic fiends. The fiends cost quite a bit of money too. This is the only way to unlock epic fiends and styles.
You Used to Be Able to Unlock Epic Fiends With Gold Bars
When I started playing the game, you could unlock epic fiends with gold bars.
I am not sure why you can’t unlock epic fiends with gold now. I would not have unlocked the one epic fiend I have otherwise.
This move seems a bit greedy, and it really is going to make things harder for free-to-play players like me.